June 14, 2011

His rib

I have been studying on what my role in Christ is as a wife. God is one of completeness and order. His ways are always perfect! So when my Lord created women, He created what our roles in this world should be also. The great thing about being His child, is that He will never leave you without clear directions. Our roles as wife and mother are laid out in the word of God. I die daily to cleanse myself of all worldly knowledge that does not direct me towards Him.

rib = to furnish or strengthen. To enclose.

What does it mean to be your husband's rib? It is really a position of great power and influence. As a wife and the closest person on earth to him, you decide what kind of existence he will have. If he will enjoy his life at home or will he avoid his home altogether. A rib is vital in holding up a man. We are his support to his very being. A man with a Godly wife walks taller and is proud to be the head that God assigned him. But when it is broken, his rib can cause him great pain. Hindering his progress in life. A man can't work and provide efficiently, when he has lost full support of his rib. We are extensions of our husbands. We can't thrive in Christ without each other.

Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Genesis 2:23 This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man."

Ephesians 5:21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

I want to vow to live my God given role as a wife to my husband. I want to be his rib that protects his life organs and support his very being. I long to walk along side him and help him complete his work God assigned him, knowing that as his wife, I will benefit from all blessings that pour out from heaven. I want to be blessed and held in high regard because I chose to follow my Father's will. With God's help, I will achieve this and more that is pleasing to Christ.

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Sarah Mae said...

Absolutely fantastic, wonderful, empowering post! I never looked at the rib in such a way! I am going to link this article on my blog on Thursday.

Sarah Mae said...


Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Thank you so much for that. I hope the post blesses many women.

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Check out the study over at a wife's biblical submission for more topics just like this one. It really has opened my eyes.

L Harris said...

i've never heard it put quite that way before. thanks.

Amanda said...

What a powerful reminder. Thank you! So true, "if his rib is broken, he'll be miserable"....great imagery.

Lisa Grace said...

What a marvelous post! Very true and uplifting. I, too, am studying Biblical womanhood and what it means to be a wife. Thanks for the insights; have a marvelous weekend.

Debbie said...

A wonderful post! Never thought of a rib this way. This is my first time here and I am sure I will be back. I found you through "A Warm Cup of Coffee" and am so glad Sara Mae suggested your blog.

Have a blessed Easter

Burrowing In said...

What a wonderful way to view our role as wives!!! I cannot wait to share this sentiment with others!