August 25, 2009

Praise Him in Advance

I can sometimes get so burdened down by all the problems in life, that I forget I already have the victory!! So, I have began to praise Him in advance, not for what I'm going through, but for what's to come. I know I will make it through whatever the situation throws at me as long as I'm in Him. Praise Him as if it has already come to pass.

When trials come, they are for my good. So, I try to always remember that whatever doesn't break me can only make me stronger. Baptism of fire, is a period in my life, when I am being conditioned for a greater purpose. When I can overcome my hardest trial, I birth my greatest ministry. I try not to question the process chosen for my future. I just rest in knowing that it has been carefully planned out in order for me to get to the next level spiritually.

In the face of adversity, PRAISE HIM!!

Alone and afraid, PRAISE HIM!!

In pain and hurting, PRAISE HIM!!

Needing guidance and lost, PRAISE HIM!!

In the mist of your struggle, PRAISE HIM!!


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1 comment:

Angela said...

I know I will make it through whatever the situation throws at me as long as I'm in Him. Praise Him as if it has already come to pass.