September 22, 2009

blessed 2 be mom

It is truly a blessing to be a mom. I have been given the best role assigned by Christ. He took love, compassion, patience, nurturing, humbleness, kisses that sooth boo-boos, arms that hug away all fears, soft voices that can calm any storm, and hands, when put together in prayer are the most powerful weapons on earth and called her mom.

I'm truly honored that I have been chosen to be a vessel that raises little ones for his glory. I take my job very seriously. Because I know that they need to be trained in His ways and I need to lead by example.

But have I taken the time to make sure that I'm behaving as one of His children also. Innocence is a quality that Christ requires of us in terms of sin. We may fall short, but we can always try again. That's where his mercy comes in. I may never be perfect, but it is the quest to have a heart that's closer to God, that gives me the strength to keep moving forward.

I can only hope that in all that has been entrusted to me, I can do what's required and give Him all the glory in the process. I pray without ceasing that I can keep my children on a path toward Him with my actions. Moms are one of the greatest influences of what a child sees, hears, and imitates. Be proud of the children God has given you and be blessed that He loves us so much, that He has trusted us with His souls to train in His likeness.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post from the heart.