July 29, 2009


Welcome back to day three of my blog anniversary party!! I'm so glad you came and I hope you are really enjoying yourself. Today I'm focusing on my role as a wife to my husband. What does it mean to truly be my husbands help-meet? I feel that God created me to be a more softer, more feminine completion to his rough, hard working persona. I'm his soft place to land at the end of a hard days work. I bring extensions of him into this world by giving birth. Together we complete one another. God has designed a beautiful dance in which my husband takes the lead and as such, he has the responsibility of whether we float gracefully through life or stumble and fall.


I'm on a mission to make my husband my first ministry here on earth, after my Father's business. He is the head of my home and provider of our family. So, my job is to walk with him, to make sure he has all that he needs to be the head of his home. A good leader is only as good as his followers. So, we must both be on the same page when it comes to what our mission is for our family.

Now it's your turn. Tell us a little ( or a lot)about your marriage and what makes it work for both of you. Or you can take another fun quiz and post your results!!

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~Bren~ said...

Ok so I did not fair so well on that test. I am thinking it is not Biblically based so I am not the best worldly wife...that is ok with me.
After 30 years of being married to a man who has yet to become a Christian, I have found that my role in his life is the same as that of a wife who has a Christian husband. One area that I think is important is that we verbally tell our husbands how much we appreciate them on a REGULAR basis.

Sandy said...

I linked to you in my post today. Thank you for your great words about being a wife!

Kristen, pajama mama said...

I have no idea why are marriage is so blessed...but it is. I just know my husband is still my best friend and the one person I will over and over again choose to spend the most time with. I tell him all the time, he's "my favorite."

Joy Comes in the Morning said...

After tweleve years of marriage, I still get butterflies when my husband comes home from work. Home just isn't the same when he isn't here. He is truly my match for life, the one that completes me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't do well on that quiz either. But I honestly thought the results advice just hurt...it told me I should try spending more time with my husband, and that I place my professional life and my personal life at the same level. Actually I detest the fact that I work this job, and would much rather come home and support him in his career, but I have to keep it because he insists I be the breadwinner on top of everything else. He does make enough money to support us (way more than I do), but I guess that doesn't matter. His paycheck is to be used to buy a second house, so in addition to fixing up the first one for the tenants I will have a second one (twice as large) to keep clean and functional as well. Can I clone myself? :-( We work opposite shifts. No children (by his unilateral and surgically permanent decision, completely opposite what he told me when we got married!) so the expenses are less. And I try to spend time with him (often at the expense of my sleep, because that's when he's home), but he has such a full social life...like the week coming up he'll be travelling out of state to stay with a friend (female, which matters to me but not him). Or his upcoming high school reunion to which he pointedly said I wasn't invited. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm probably just whining now and you probably shouldn't even publish this comment, just drop it straight in the round file, I'm just so frustrated and sad sometimes. Wish I was good enough for him. Or that I mattered. Back to my spreadsheets, because I'm worth more to my husband as my corporation's helpmeet...